Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2012

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  • Have an adequate champion pool you are familiar with before going into ranked games
  • If you cannot afford to buy rune pages , make rune pages that fit in general categories and can be used by many champions , dont pick champs that need special rune pages .
  • Respect the pick order in solo queue . Give heads up of what you prefer to play , and where you dont excel at but be ready to be ignored by the pickers above you .
  • Support isnt a miasma . Its just as useful as any other team member. Especially at these low elos I have seen supports carrying games a lot of times .
  • Improve your cs ---I cant mention how important this is .
  • I know your favorite top laner is talon , and your jungler is rengar but you cant win games like that most of the times . From my experience one of the top or jungler must be a tanky champ with some form of cc which can drastically change the outcome of a team fight at these elos.
  • Treat every game like a new one . Do not be mad you lost the previous game because someone quit or got caught doing wraiths during a baron dance . Shit like this happens all the time . Clear you mind and move to the next game .
  • Buy wards Buy wards Buy wards no matter what role your playing . Wards in this elo like in any other elo win a game . Never leave the fountain with more than 75 g .
  • Duo queuing with a friend helps sometimes but really isnt necessary at all , If I managed to move out by myself so can you
  • Know how to position yourself in team fights . This is my last and most important tip to all of you . At this elo if you are a carry with 10-0 lets say you can win the game by yourself . Give some heads up to your team ( in a nice manner ) as to where you should team fight and how they should protect you . Focus the right targets , know when to commit to a fight and when to skirmish . All this takes time and practice , so do not give up easily .
  • After each game, think about how YOU could have played the critical moments better. Don't think about what your TEAM did right or wrong.Everyone makes mistakes even the pros . Maybe your mistakes were less than your teammates but still improving and improvising what you did wrong will make you avoid the same mistakes in a similar position in the future .

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