Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 9, 2012

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If I reach at least one person with this, it will be worth it for me.

1. Wards aren't making the lane immune to ganks, especially when the jungler is a high-mobility champ or simply bought mobility boots. The trick to making the gank work is to CC/engage the enemy as soon as your jungler enters his ward-vision. Too often I see laners waiting for the jungler to engage, despite knowing there's a ward there. He will not retaliate to your engage, because he knows the jungler will kill him if he does and he will either have to burn his summoners to escape, simply die or in a desperate attempt burn all of his cooldowns to kill his lane-enemy. Which brings me to the next point...
2. Don't try to grab an assist on a sure kill if you are low hp. If I get a kill on your lane-enemy and he gets a kill on you by jumping you in the last second, I (or actually: you) made the lane harder for you instead of easier. Think about it like this: the assist-money you would get from the kill is equal or lower than the gold you would make from killing minions while you are still alive.
On a similar note: Don't try to towerdive someone with high burst dmg, even if he is relatively low. It's even worse on someone with hard CC like Malphite or Warwick, at best you will both die, because you are guaranteed to tank at least 3 or 4 tower-shots.
You should really be content with any gank that makes the enemy bluepill. That means he is missing out on cs and xp, making you snowball slowly, but steadily.
3. If you want me to towerdive the enemy, at least push the wave, so I don't have to tank more towershots than necessary. Very commonly you will see the jungler stand between the tier 1 and 2 towers, waiting for the lane to push to the tower, but they never do. Then, because you waited so long to push, the enemy jungler will come and possibly even the enemy mid and the gank turns into a disaster.


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