Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 8, 2013

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Bronze or higher: Season 3 Summoner Icon. You’ll earn a Summoner Icon that displays your accomplishments. There is a different icon for each tier.

Silver or higher: Profile banner trim, Loading screen border and Victorious Ward Skin. From your profile banner to your loading screen, reach Silver or higher to earn the corresponding trim. Each tier has a different colored trim. At Silver tier, you’ll also pick up a new permanent Victorious Ward skin to light up the jungle your way.

Gold or higher: Season 3 medal for Buddy and Team invitations and Victorious Champion Skin. Should you climb to the highest ranks of competitive play, you’ll greet new friends and teammates with a personalized invitation badge that shows off your success in shiny style. You’ll also earn the permanent Victorious Ward skin and a unique Victorious skin.

Victorious skin is Elise.

Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 8, 2013

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Hi, I'm Parthuurnax and although I'm only Silver 3 and support isn't my main role, I have a 62% Winrate in the support positon in Season 3, so i'd like to share some of the basic things that you can learn to shift the lane in your favour.

1.- Armour runes and additional health masteries
I see many silver supports come into the game with little or no bonus armour. This is unbelievably important as it allows you to sustain poke and survive longer in trades/ganks. You wan't to have AT LEAST 30 armour in lane at level 1. 0/9/21 or 0/21/9 masteries assist this, depending on if you're a more passive support or more aggressive.

2.- Lane Sustain
You're going to be taking a lot of harass from the enemy marksman, so you need something to allow you to stay in lane despite this. On support, I always have at least 2 health pots when I return to lane, unless of course I cannot afford them after buying wards.

3.- Warding
Being captain obvious here, but your wards become hugely influential on the outcome of the game. What I want you to note here though, is what I mean when I say that wards are ENTIRELY SITUATIONAL. In lane, you want to have wards on either: Dragon + Tribush + lane bush OR River and lanebush. This depends entirely on the state of your mid/bot lanes. If you're in a strong position, then you may want to save that dragon ward for somewhere else. If you're behind, then the other team has the added incentive of taking an easy uncontested dragon, so you need to ward that objective. When warding, PAY ATTENTION TO ENEMY MAP CONTROL. How many turrets do they have? THE MOMENT THEY TAKE AN INNER TURRET, get a ward in your side of the jungle. This prevents the enemy utilising their newly accessable jungle to further snowball lanes if you try and freeze them.

4.- Don't ever take Nidalee
Nidalee support is the worst champion in the game for support. Unless she takes kills, which begins to put your ADC behind, then her damage drops off horribly after 25 minutes. She is forever squishy and supplies ZERO CC. If you truly hate supporting but want the damage, take LUX. Lux has a shield to win trades with, a snare and a slow, as long as a long range execute.

5.- Pick your support situationally
This is why I went 12-0 on janna before losing a few 4v5 games. I wasn't just good on her, but I picked her when I knew I could utilise her kit to its full potential. Janna has the best disengage potential in the game. Her tornado completely shuts down many ganks and her ult completely negates fiddle ults and kennen ults. This tactic should be applied to all supports. EG: Don't pick a blitzcrank into a tristana because you won't be able to use his hooks or his zoning to it's full potential, in which another support could have done the job better in this situation.

6.- Reactions
A good support can react to enemy engages quickly and can divert the attention of the enemy from their target.

7.- Peeling for your carries
This is potentially the most crucial part of the support role. You're there to die for your carries, but more importantly YOU ARE THERE TO LET THEM GET MAXIMUM DAMAGE OUTPUT FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. The enemy should try and dive or pick off your carries. Pay attention to their movements and get ready to knockup, slow or stun anyone that tries to break your line of defence. The longer you do this in a fight, the more damage the carry is dishing out.

8.- Safety
Far too many mistakes are made on support. You are squishy and are very easy to kill in most situations. When warding, if there is the slightest doubt that you won't be safe, then wait until the doubt is gone. Giving free avoidable kills to the enemy snowballs lanes so so hard.

9.- Prevent XP loss
Another common error is that a support roams way too much. You want to stay in XP range in botlane as long as possible. This means timing your warding when the minion wave is moving and not in combat etc. In far too many games I see supports 3+ levels behind everyone else on your team. At the very most you should only truly be 2 levels behind.

10.- Give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism to your ADC
This is fundamental. It is oh so easy to make your adc go on tilt. If you do all of the above well, then you only need an adc who can last hit to win your lane (sometimes you get adc's who can't farm for shit. In this case, tough luck, it's very hard to win with unskilled adc's who can't do their basic most fundamental job). When your adc is underperforming, let them know what they did wrong and how to avoid it next time. Only say it once and don't throw any insults or anything. You need the synergy in that lane and bitching at eachother completely ruins that.

11.- Zoning
This is the art of making it LOOK like you are about to engage. A good support will do this very effectively and put a lot of false pressure on the enemy duo, therefore pushing them away from farming. This gets easier the further ahead you are, but can make the difference in a won or lost lane.

Hope these tips help. They're not much but I believe that they are fundamental skills needed to win lanes

Guide by:  Parthuurnax

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 8, 2013

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Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 8, 2013

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Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 8, 2013

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Learn to unleash a barrage of bullets and send opponents to the grave in the Lucian Champion Spotlight.

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Summary: LeBlanc’s base health regeneration and attack damage per level have been slightly increased.
Context: With unorthodox skills, unmatched mobility and a supremely squishy face, LeBlanc’s always been a difficult champion to master. While this is intended, the changes we made to her in Patch 3.9 made her even more vulnerable, especially during her laning phase. These minor buffs should improve her play experience and even her out a little.
Base health regen increased to 7.05 (from 5.05) Attack damage per level increased to 3.5 (from 3.1)

Master Yi
Summary: Highlander now reduces ability cooldowns per kills and assists by a percentage amount rather than a flat second reduction. This means Master Yi will never get a “full reset” to chain Alpha Strikes together even if he kills with his first Alpha Strike. Additionally, Master Yi’s attack speed per level has been reduced, while Meditate’s damage reduction at later levels has been increased. Wuju Style’s passive attack damage bonus is now higher at earlier levels and lower at later levels.
Context: New Yi quickly emerged as a powerhouse champion, and while we soon identified the need to reduce his power, we wanted to do it in an intelligent way that created windows of opportunity for both Yi and his opponents, rather than by simply reducing his overall damage. We like Highlander’s reset mechanic, but the flat second reduction on it meant that solid Yi players could effectively chain Alpha Strikes together with no window of vulnerability after scoring a kill. These changes mean Master Yi needs to land a few basic attacks after earning resets in order to Alpha Strike, which should give his opponents opportunities to fight back. Yi’s Meditate buffs give him ways of bridging those cooldown gaps defensively if needed, and offer more viable options when upgrading abilities.
Attack speed per level decreased to 2% (from 2.75%)
Double Strike
Fixed a bug where the second strike would damage targets even when Master Yi was blinded
Damage reduction increased at later ranks to 50/55/60/65/70% (from 40/45/50/55/60%)
Wuju Style
Passive attack damage bonus changed to 10% at all ranks (from 7/9/11/13/15%)
Now passively reduces the remaining cooldown for Master Yi's basic abilities by 70% on a kill or assist (instead of 18 seconds on kill or 9 seconds on assist)
Summary: Riven can now leap over walls with the third hit of Broken Wings.
Context: Riven's Broken Wings started crossing walls on live following a few engine fixes. We looked at this and decided we want to fully support the emergent gameplay while cleaning up the ability’s environmental interactions. This change promotes Riven’s high mobility playstyle and skirmish play pattern, so we’ll balance around it rather than simply remove the change if it affects her power significantly.
Fixed an issue where several of Riven's particle effects were missing
Broken Wings
Third hit now knocks up affected targets rather than knocking them back
Only the third cast can now leap over walls
Hitbox has been retuned to more closely match the particles
Summary: Shen’s Feint shield has been weakened, while Stand United can now be interrupted by root effects.
Context: As a dominant force in the competitive scene, Shen gets just a little too tanky in the late game – to the point where even primary damage dealers have a tough time eating through his shields. This small nerf should reduce some of Shen’s strong dueling potential. Additionally, our Stand United change has been brought in to increase the consistency with which we handle delayed movement abilities. Specifically, Shen’s Stand United channel will be interruptible by root effects, similar to Twisted Fate’s Gate. We’ll continue looking at other cases in the future.
Shield amount reduced to 60/100/140/180/220 (from 70/115/160/205/250)
Stand United
Can now be interrupted by root effects
Summary: Twitch’s Expunge now deals less damage at early to mid levels.
Context: Currently Twitch's laning phase trades are too strong, even when he’s forced to pop Expunge before reaching full stacks of Deadly Venom. These changes should balance out the Plague Rat’s early game power without affecting his team fight potential.
Base damage reduced to 20/35/50/65/80 (from 40/50/60/70/80)
Summary: Zac's passive healing blobs will now be harder to pick up for both him and his opponents. Additionally, Zac’s ult no longer grants him Tenacity while active.
Context: Previously, Zac’s pickup range was so large he would sometimes regain health from his blobs even if he stood still after using an ability. The blob radius change creates more potential counterplay in lane, since Zac and his opponents now have to specifically move to blobs to regain or deny health. The tenacity portion of Let’s Bounce has removed to allow for more gameplay in fights, notably by giving enemies the chance to lock Zac down while protecting vulnerable targets.
Cell Division
Blob absorption and squish radius reduced to 25 (from 100)
Let's Bounce
No longer grants tenacity
Fixed the tooltip to state that Zac removes all slows affecting him upon activation
NOTE: If an item value or statistic is not mentioned, it is still present on the item.

Bilgewater Cutlass
Range reduced to 450 (from 550)
Active now takes into account the bounding boxes for each champion
Blade of the Ruined King
Range reduced to 450 (from 550)
Active cooldown increased to 90 (from 60)
Locket of the Iron Solari
Fixed a bug where it was granting more health regen than intended
Spirit Visage
Combine cost increased to 500 gold (from 375). Total cost increased to 2750 gold (from 2625)
Phage & Trinity Force’s Icy Passive
Summary: Phage and Trinity Force no longer have the “Icy” slow passive. Instead of a percentage chance to slow an enemy champion on hit, these items now grant movement speed for a short duration of time, along with even more movement speed on minion, monster, and champion kills. Frozen Mallet’s function remains unchanged, but its recipe has changed.
Context: Following the nerfs to Blade of the Ruined King, we wanted to create more tools to help bruisers stick to their targets. Ultimately we focused on in-skirmish mobility as a valuable and healthy stat for all champions.
  • UNIQUE Passive - Icy removed
  • New UNIQUE Passive - Rage: basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds
  • Combine cost reduced to 375 gold (from 590). Total cost reduced to 1250 gold (from 1465)
Trinity Force
  • UNIQUE Passive - Icy removed
  • New UNIQUE Passive - Rage: basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade
  • Damage increased to 200% base attack damage (from 150%)
  • Due to Phage's price reduction, total cost is now 3628 gold (from 3843)
Frozen Mallet
  • Recipe Changed: Giant's Belt + Pickaxe + Ruby Crystal + 950 gold = 3300 total gold
  • UNIQUE Passive – Icy retained


Summoner's Rift
Lesser Wraith
Fixed a bug where lesser wraiths were granting less experience than intended (4 instead of 15)
Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar
Blade of the Ruined King
Now available on the Crystal Scar
UNIQUE Passive - Icy removed
New UNIQUE Passive - Rage: basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds
Due to Phage's price reduction, total cost is now 3400 gold (from 3615)
Kitae's Bloodrazor: Removed from the Crystal Scar

Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 8, 2013

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Leblanc is such a rewarding champion and just the feel of using her kit effectively has got me spamming her all day. Within the past three weeks I’ve gone from Diamond 1 40LP to Challenger 550LP almost exclusively playing Leblanc.


Reds – Magic Pen, Yellows – Armor, Blues – Flat AP, Quints – Flat AP


21-0-9. Three points in Havok. Spell Sword. Two points in last hitting.


Level 1, level q first and start Dorans ring. Always spam Q harass in lane because Dorans ring will allow you to sustain your Q harass. Always look to auto attack and Q harass; Leblanc is a lane bully.

In solo queue, don’t leash for your jungler, just start pushing the wave as soon as it comes out. You want to hit level 2 before the enemy. Once you clear the first wave, auto the meleee minions and once you get level 2, take W and combo your lane opponent for harass to establish lane control.

To harass effectively, stand in the creep wave. When the enemy comes up to cs, Q and then W immediately to follow up. If they don’t come in range of your Q, don’t walk past the minion line to harass them because it will compromise your position to harass them, and then you can get ganked and die.

Max R> Q> W> E

Once you hit level 6, the matchup changes. You’ve probably already gone back to base by this point. Buy another Dorans ring (two total), health pots, a ward, and if you’re against physical damage in mid lane, rush an Armguard. If you’re against AP, rush needlessly large rod.

After you put your ward up, you can do W, Q, R, E combo safely. This is a chunk to get them lower and take over the lane. Anytime that the mid laner is scared of you and he’s hiding too deep into his tower, you can roam and gank other lanes.

When you have blue buff, use your Q to push the wave faster if the enemy is being very passive. This allows you to control the lane, map vision, and take over the map.

Your first big purchase is going to be DFG, ALWAYS. Look for areas where you think it’s unwarded or you know your support has cleared. Venture off into those areas alone and try and catch squishy targets out so you can one shot them. Always use your W to get over walls because you can reactivate your W immediately to get back if you went somewhere foolish. The mobility of the ability allows you to transverse the map quickly and avoid common ward locations.

Depending on what the enemy team comp is like, if they have all physical champions and mediocre MR, build a Rylai’s. The health pool synergies well with your Armguard. If the enemy team has an annoying tank line with high resistance values, rush a void staff because you will likely be unable to avoid the tank line, so you need to take them down.

Against a high magic damage team, get Deathcap, Void staff, and Banshee’s veil. The voidstaff is almost always more effective than the Deathcap after finishing DFG.

If your team comp doesn’t allow for good teamfighting, you can split push as Leblanc. Her excellent dueling abilities can allow her to split, but you need to make that assertion on your own. It’s really important that you sell one of your Doran’s rings to buy wards in order to split push if you choose this route.


Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 8, 2013

Posted by Unknown 08:12 No comments
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A harsh reality of League of Legends is that at some point you're going to get counter picked. It sucks, I know, but it happens to everyone at some point. You may lock in Karthus and then have to go up against a Kassadin, or you may lock in Katarina and have to go up against a Diana, but you know that the next 30 minutes of your life are going to suck. If your opponent is smart and as good as you, this is probably going to be true, but a very unique skill to have is being able to win a lane that's supposed to be unwinnable. This is going to take a fair amount of practice, but if you get good enough at it, you'll be perfectly happy locking in your favorite champion even in the face of inevitable counter pick. In this guide I'll do my best to explain how to win an unwinnable lane. Here are some of the champions that you probably hate and whom this guide is really about: Kassadin, Fizz, Diana, Annie, LeBlanc, Akali, Master Yi, Talon, and Zed.

Step One: Runes and Masteries
Usually pretty obvious, but I'll go into detail.
My standard rune page on my main mid champions (Gragas, Lissandra, and Viktor) are hybrid reds, armor yellows, flat MR blues, and AP quints. This provides a good mix against most counter picks, but I also have a secondary page called "pls dnt kil me ;_;" and it has hybrid reds, armor yellows, flat MR blues, and flat health/5 quints. In very dangerous lane cases I'll run this page. Additionally, the majority of the time I'll skip utility masteries all together and just go 21/9, or again, in horrible cases, 9/21.
[Note: some people actually take AD reds and quints against assassins, and I do from time to time as well. It helps you do much more damage early on and delay that champion's level 6 for as long as possible. It may be the smartest way to go about this.]
Your goal at this stage of the game is to just survive by all means possible. Most of the above champions can be abused up until levels 3-4, and some all the way up until level 6, but you need to be prepared for the inevitable turn when they decide to kill you. Having even an extra 30 health can make all the difference.

Step Two: Test your Opponent Out
In levels one and two, you should be checking out what kind of player your opponent is. Some people are extremely aggressive. Some are very passive. Knowing this will help you play against them.
A very important feature in League of Legends that very few people know about is that whenever your opponent comes in to harass you, the champion glows orange very faintly. You can check it yourself with a friend: when they have right clicked on you to auto attack you, they will turn orange. This often gives you a full extra second of warning before they start AAing, so if you see them constantly turning orange early on, you know their intention is to kill you early. What do we do now?
Well, if you're stronger than them, fight back. If you're not--and against champions like Fizz, from level two you will not be strong enough to 1v1 him, turn around and walk away. Does he follow you past your melee minions? He's either trolling or stupid. It is incredibly reckless to overextend like this and he can completely ruin his team's chances of winning the game if he goes past your melee minions and gets ganked. Most players who glow orange constantly will do it too. Maybe tell your jungler about this? Bait them back, and if they attack you, use minion damage and a couple of spells to ruin their day. Minions are the bane of assassins' existence.

Step Three: Survive
This gets easier as the game goes on. It doesn't matter if you're 10, 15, or 30 CS behind. If you are playing a standard AP champion, you are better in teamfights. Way better. Just turn on your passive AP farm mode and use spells to last hit at tower. Go B after every cannon minion wave (or every other) to miss the least CS possible. I love picking up an early Chalice of Harmony/Athene's Unholy Grail against AP assassins because it is practically the perfect anti-assassin item (huge mana regen, MR, CDR, some AP). An early Negatron Cloak is another wonderful way to piss them off.
If your opponent cannot kill you by level 8, he will get frustrated. He wants to kill you. He wants to snowball. You're too smart for that though. You're not going to let it happen.

Step Four: Never, Ever, Follow
Now your opponent starts roaming. He needs kills. He's frustrated that you're giving up less than a Mormon girl on prom night. Spam MIA like a monster and start pushing the lane. DO NOT FOLLOW; HE WILL KILL YOU IN RIVER. If he gets a double kill in your bot lane, and they cry about you not following, ignore them.
When you follow an AP assassin, you die as a standard AP. They can just wait in bushes--such as the small one near dragon--and twoshot you if you come near. You have no way to defend yourself here. It's not worth feeding a kill to them because you're afraid of your other lane whining. Assassins are meant to roam. You can't stop them from roaming.

Step Five: Profit in Teamfights
I believe that the average assassin can deny you 20% of the farm that you would have gotten otherwise. If you're aiming for 300 farm by 35 minutes, that means you'll be around 240. 60 minions is only a difference of like 1,000 gold. It sucks but the fact that you do a lot more AOE damage in teamfights than him makes up for that fact tenfold. If an assassin can't get fed early, you will be delaying his big items and fights around dragon/baron/towers will go a lot more smoothly. You will win by allowing yourself to lose early.

Wrap Up
You need to change your playstyle against assassins drastically to win. I recommend practicing in 1v1 with a friend to do this. Assassins are high risk high reward champions, and the best counter to them is really smart play.

Guide by: Tuchit

Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 8, 2013

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The following is what we should (according to Riot) get excited for in Season 4:

  • Changes to the League System.
  • Fixing up some "unpopular" masteries.
  • Xerath rework, Rengar rework, and a bunch of others.
  • Removal of all global passives.
  • "Fixing lots of longstanding [gameplay] issues".
  • Changes to ward/vision systems.
  • Changes to "game pacing".
  • Support/Jungler gold changes.
  • Deleting Teemo from League. (You wish. -Riot 2013)
  • New 1v1 and 2v2 map called Magma Chamber. (coming pre-season 4)
  • Geographical map changes, mainly to jungle camps, and graphics update for Summoner's Rift.
  • Complete in-game and Loading Screen UI overhaul.
  • Yorick's rework. Remember though, it's still only ideas for now, nothing official.
  • "Some" people have been asking about the replay system. It's coming before Season 4, since it's been on the PBE for quite a while now.
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PBE Patch 3.11 Patch 1

Arcade Hecarim [1350 RP]

His sound files are currently missing from the client. We should see them next patch.

Riot Blitzcrank [975 RP]

Forecast Janna [1820 RP]

There are no sound files for this skin at this time
Dominion/TT Changes
Disclaimer: These changes are on Dominion/TT.
These are still up for change and more may be added, but here's what's going onto PBE for now. 
Sanguine Blade
Recipe Changed: Pickaxe + Vampiric Scepter + 500 gold = 2175 Total Gold
Omen of Famine cast range changed to 500 from 550
Omen of Famine cooldown changed to 8 flat from 10/9/8/7/6 scaling
Wild Growth cooldown changed to 120/110/100 from 110/95/80
Stone Skin changed to 2/4/6 Armor and Magic Resistance per rank from 4/6/8
Cyclone cooldown changed to 120/110/100 from 120/105/90
Are these changes also for TT?
So far just the SB change is on TT. Considering the Yorick and Wukong changes being added to TT as well though.
Hookay, now can we has non-****ty mage CDR itemization please?
<3 the changes, tho.
It's coming 
And speaking of which, one of the things I've been considering doing with sweeper is making it build from Kindelgem + Fiendish Codex > 20% CDR and remove the MS.
I really hope you keep the MS for sweeper, maybe just nerf it a bit. Otherwise mages will run like slugs.
MS would likely be moved to another item. Would like to split up the active and MS, as having them both in one item is Mike Tyson strong. The item was originally overloaded to get people to buy it. Now that they do we need to tone it down a bit.

Champion Changes

Base Damage is now increased by 3.5 per level (up from 3.1)
Health Per 5 Sec  is now 6.5 (up from 4.5)
Master Yi
Meditate [ W ] - Damage Reduction is now 45/50/55/60/65% (up from 40/45/50/55/60%)
Wuju Style [ E ] - Now grants 10/10/10/10/10% ()Attack Damage (changed from 7/9/11/13/15%)
Highlander [ R ] - Kills and Assists now reduce all remaining cooldowns by 70% (Changed from 18 seconds, half on assist)

Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 8, 2013

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  • When creating plants, it's possible (and I would say optimal) to cast Deadly Bloom (Q) or Grasping Roots (E) first, and use Rampant Growth (W) once or twice during the cast animation. E -> W is much harder to dodge than W -> E.
  • Rampant Growth has much longer cast range (825) than wards (600).
  • Zyra's plants can block enemy skillshots.
    • When recalling at low health, place a plant next to yourself to stay safe from Nidalee spears and such.
    • Placing a plant between yourself and an unwarded bush can let you ward it or walk past it without getting Death Sentenced by the enemy Thresh.
  • Attacks from Zyra's plants pop spell shields.
    • During a siege, a quick Q+W in the sidelines can pop enemy Banshee's Veils and keep them on cooldown.
    • When laning against Sivir, make sure the benefits from creating plants near her outweigh the potential free mana she can get from them. Either take advantage of the spellshield cooldown or keep your plants in your pants.
  • Creating a plant on top of a Teemo mushroom or Nidalee trap will spring the trap. This does reveal the plant and a small area around it to the enemy team, however.
  • The Shard of True Ice active can be used on Zyra's plants and seeds. Growing the seed into a plant cancels the effect.
Also, because I don't feel like waiting for a better time to post these:

Bonus support tip #1: When playing against Leona, Exhausting her marksman also reduces the damage from Leona's passive, as it counts as the other player's damage.

Bonus support tip #2: When playing against Lulu, having two points in the mastery "Unyielding" (defense, tier 3) causes her passive to deal 0 damage to you until she's level 3. Pix's bolts deal 3 damage each at levels 1 and 2, which gets reduced to 2 damage by your base magic resist, and then to 0 damage by the mastery. At level 3, the bolts' base damage increases to 7 and you'll take some damage from them, but the mastery will keep reducing the total damage you're taking by 6 (plus 2 from the autoattack).

Guide by: Filth_

Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 8, 2013

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Newest Patch is Patch 3.10. Statistics are taken from LoLKing. The Data covers the previous 7 days. So it is the last 7 days before the Patch and then the 7 days after the Patch. It is ranked only.


Got a slight buff to Focus (Passiv).
Pick Rate: 11.84% -->13.42%
Win Rate: 50.34% -->51.12%
Got a change to her Spiderlings. Range of Rappel (E) got lowered.
Pick Rate: 13.42% -->10.52%
Win Rate: 50.17% -->46.65%
Fixed a bug that occasionally caused Playful/Trickster (E) to deal no damage.
Pick Rate: 10.83% -->11.88%
Win Rate: 49.94% -->50.96%
Nerf to Defile (E). Change to how Lay Waste (Q) is cast if you are dead.
Pick Rate: 3.08% -->3.16%
Win Rate: 49.28% -->47.79%
Changed the way how Voidlings chose their targets.
Pick Rate: 3.54% -->3.66%
Win Rate: 52.14% -->51.13%
Complete Remake. Details in Patchlog.
Pick Rate: 7.47% -->28.76%
Win Rate: 47.07% -->51.68%
Fixed a bug where the stun of Aqua Prison (Q) sometimes lasted longer than intended.
Pick Rate: 21.23% -->20.39%
Win Rate: 51.39% -->49.74%
Bugfixes to Heroic Charge (E).
Pick Rate: 0.65% -->0.64%
Win Rate: 45.26% -->46.72%
Castrange of all spells reduced to 600. Bonus movement speed of Desperate Power (R) increased.
Pick Rate: 13.28% -->9.3%
Win Rate: 47.38% -->44.74%
Reduced base health and armor. Changes to how Damnation (passiv) grants armor and ability power.
Pick Rate: 18.24% -->17.64%
Win Rate: 52.36% -->49.44%
Remake of Loaded Dice (passive). It no longer gives a global gold bonus. Pick a Card (W) got nerfed.
Pick Rate: 8.2% -->7.35%
Win Rate: 51.12% -->46.6%
Fixed a bug where the cast range of Condemn (E) was longer than intended. Cooldown of Final Hour (R) increased.
Pick Rate: 36.51% -->32.57%
Win Rate: 50.2% -->50.04%
Bugfix to Infinite Duress (R) where damage would continue to be dealt after being interrupted by enemy Champions.
Pick Rate: 6.53% -->5.94%
Win Rate: 51.82% -->50.8%
Damage nerf to Elastic Slingshot (E).
Pick Rate: 12.19% -->12.24%
Win Rate: 50.31% -->49.79%

As suggested some numbers for randomly selected "untouched" (there is no such thing as an untouched Champion) Champions:
Diana: PR: 8.07% -->7.93%; WR: 48.73% -->47.76%
Lulu: PR: 9.69% -->10.42%; WR: 46.68% -->46.76%
Riven: PR: 6.39% --> 6.76% WR: 49.19% --> 49.01%

Source: jngldrm

Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 8, 2013

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4 Minute Challenger Guides : Jungle Elise ! ~ League of Legends ~ Season 3

This video features Nintendudex, Dyrus, Crs Stvicious, fabbbyyy and scarra!

elise kick'd ma bruda in da ass


Music: Megaman Network Transmittion - Internet Area

Full Gameplay:

Mobafire Guide:

Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 8, 2013

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