Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 10, 2013

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Tons of New Preseason Info

Several pros were invited to Riot HQ to give input on the new season changes and they shared some pretty interesting pieces of information.

Doublelift posted a screenshot of a game he played and people spotted Madred's Bloodrazor in Master Yi's possession.

Cloud then replied to an excited player's question regarding the Bloodrazor:

Xpecial on the other hand slipped the information that Janna's AP will scale up the AD her shield gives:

Snoopeh put the info on a fourth jungle camp out there:

This triggered a response from Morello:

Originally Posted by Riot (View RedTracker Source)

What? Is this not counting buff camps?
Correct - fourth -small camp-. We've been calling it 4th camp so long internally, I totally forgot to explain that!

Daniel Klein replied to a question on Twitter regarding assists:

Originally Posted by Riot (View RedTracker Source)

Whoa, hey, wait, what, I missed this earlier, you get ASSIST-streaks now? What are the tiers? "Participant!" - "Helpful!" - "WINGMAN!"
@tbskyen they're not really streaks--they don't reset on kills. Instead, an assist is worth more the larger your kill - assist gap

Source and more info:

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