Want to climb the ladder fast? Check this out
Guide by: Revehell
So I'm a Plat player S3 and S4 and I'm aiming for Diamond this season. Lately I've been trying stuff in normal and solo queue (mostly stuff that I see on streams or pro scene, to see if any of them are really good for carrying in solo queue) and I've come to notice that things would be so much simpler if some basics were explained to people. I think lately most people rise in rankings not by trying to understand the game, but by just spamming solo queue and reaching a point where they just develop some mechanics and start to win games, only to reach a silver-gold level. Then, their old tactics stop working and they come to the "my team is feeding and blah and trolls and w/e". So if you want some basic tips to easily reach at least Platinum then here they are. Notice that I followed the same and reached Plat last season starting from 500 Elo. And, I found it relatively easy to do also. I'm going to give some explanation pretty much on some DOs and DON'Ts in each lane, and some general tips.
AS A TOP LANERIn soloqueue, top lane is a role that if you get really good at you can carry hard because most of the time the enemy carries (even if fed) will have a hard time dealing with you. So you should focus on taking level advantage over your opponent which will result in denying him a lot of farm, or if he gets confident get early kills too. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS have this in mind and you should always push early on. Don't forget most silver-golds-plats can't even lasthit under their turret. By pushing, you:
- Gain a level advantage over your opponent.
- Force him to lose a lot of creeps under the tower.
- Get jungler pressure away from your team. Yes, exactly. This is what you want to do in SoloQ. Let your "bad" midlaner and bot lane push without them having to worry. You don't have to worry that much if you are playing someone strong like Renekton, Shyvana, Mundo, Trundle, or Riven and the trinket ward should be enough to notify you early enough to survive without even flashing.
Champions I consider really strong for SoloQ (low elo bronze-plat) at top lane are:
- Renekton
- Riven
- Shyvana
- Nasus
- Mundo
- Trundle
- Teemo
- Tryndamere
IN THE JUNGLEJungle is the easiest role to carry with in soloQueue, even moreso now that high damage junglers like Kha'Zix have been starting to get lots of play. There are some basic things you'd like to do as a jungler.
- Ward an enemy buff so you know their position; if you warded their blue and you don't see them there, they probably went Red > Wraiths then they will do blue. If their bot lane is pushing they won't likely gank so they will get wolves > wraiths and head to top. You already know that and you will be in place for a countergank.
- Make sure you farm A LOT. In solo Queue you just need to farm a lot and even be ahead of your midlaner (considering he is not Alex'Ich to get all the farm) and hit 100 creeps around minute 15 as a jungler.
- Make sure to buy wards to know if the enemy jungler is doing/planning something. Some great wards are for example those you put on the enemy wraiths because people in lower Elo often tend to do wraiths before recalling while at low health, resulting in an easy kill for you, maybe followed by a tower or a dragon.
- Always Keep Timers. 5/6/7 minutes to buffs/dragon/Baron respectively.
- Set up your Dragons. Most of the time, when you know you can solo the Dragon, you want to buy some wards and make sure the enemy has no vision and then try to get it. If you are not sure, you can just hover around bot waiting for the enemy jungler to show himself somewhere. You will either A) countergank him on BOT-MID or B) Get the dragon in exchange for your top laner.
- Watch nightblue's guide for how to carry low Elo as jungle. He says everything I say in a MUCH better and detailed way WHILE showing it all to you.
- Don't forget Kha'zix's favourite camp is the Wight because it's always isolated. Make sure to isolate any other camp as fast as possible for faster clears.
- Kha'Zix
- Vi
- Lee Sin
- Jarvan IV
- Olaf
- Rengar
- Elise
- Wukong
AS A MID LANERMidlane has a lot in common to the top lane depending upon the champion you are playing. You want to push to get the level advantage to maybe get a kill around level 3-4 on the enemy midlaner, HOWEVER you seriously need to learn the matchups to not get destroyed while doing this. You always want to have an escape route so play near to the bush you have warded. Some smalls tips I can give on midlane on some matchups are:
- Try to dodge skillshots like Diana's Q or Lux's E by walking a bit towards them.
- Don't try to fight Gragas lvl3 , if he lands his barrel the AD Damage he gets from his W is probably enough to finish you with an ignite. However, if he miss his Q and E, you can turn on him to deal a good amount of damage.
- Ask your jungler to camp Kayle pre-6 or you will hate this game.
- If you are playing Yasuo and your jungler is Vi, just tell him to stay mid (especially post-6) and get 2-3 kills on the enemy midlaner without difficulty.
- Buy a lot of wards to help your side lanes.
- Depush sidelanes as Ziggs.
- Don't forget to use your passive when you play Ahri.
- If your team has Caitlyn , NIDALEE is a very good pick.
- Learn when to roam, counter roam and when to stay mid and push. (I cant actually teach you that, it depends on the champion and the damage you have.)
- Try to have map presence as much as you can.
- Try not to get pushed around since skillshots are harder to dodge under the turret.
- Zed
- Gragas
- Ziggs
- Yasuo
- Nidalee
- Kayle
- Kassadin
- Le'blanc [ Requires strong mechanics ]
- Fizz
- Syndra
AS ADC and SUPPORTI'm going to speak about both of these as one, because trying to apply something alone will end up not being on the same page as your partner and you will end up failing. So, mistakes bot lanes usually make in lower Elo is that they ALWAYS pick fights even if they know they can't win them. I'd say you start by pushing to level 2, probably try to all-in an enemy who is out of position, then return to farming while zoning them out because of the earlier trade. There are a lot of tips I can give you here because this is the most action packed lane with high chances of carrying a game if both laners do well.
- As an ADCarry, try turning on your "Show AutoAttack Range" in the options. Then, when you are in the game, use "command attack" to get minions (don't do that while hitting champions at first, you will waste precious time or have misclicks). This way you will get accustomed to every carry's Autoattack range and you will be able to PUNISH your opponent for every CS they try to take. I would say it's ESSENTIAL to learn this on Caitlyn because that's pretty much what she does.
- As a support, always try to provide lane presence to your ADCarry by constantly making the life of the enemy carry hard, either by zoning the enemy bot lane away from the wave (which results in xp advantage and denying farm) or by trying to bodyblock spells like Mystic Shot.
- Against Ezreal, if he's zoned out, you can stay in front of the creeps to deny his farm by taking some hits yourself. Ideally you would want to do this as Leona or Taric, for example.
- Never fight inside the enemies' creep wave during the early game. This is one of the most common mistakes.
- Hold on to your flash as an ADCarry. If you are 3-0 and your enemy tries to run away while enemy mid and jungler are missing, don't risk using your flash to get another kill because if you get ganked you will end up giving more shutdown gold to them.
- You need mechanics to play carries like Vayne. Don't go around playing Vayne in soloqueue if you can't use her to her full potential.
- Help your support with the warding.
- Always bully your enemy out by autoattacking/hitting them with spells.
- Understand your ally to win skirmishes. Know how much damage your Janna can do, for example, before deciding you want to fight the Leona-Jinx lane.
- Use your E early as Draven to stop Leona's Zenith Blade, Kha'Zix Jump, etc.
- Tumble in the dragon & baron pit at the small wall will end up on completely resetting your autoattack animation and you will be able to clear the objectives faster.
- Never start a fight, and never flash in a fight to get a kill. You are the heart of the team, you need to put out steady DPS even if you get no kills in the end. Just hit what's in front of you while trying to kite your enemies.
- As a support you want to be a play maker. Buy talisman, in soloQ it works wonders. Use some blind spots in the map and come out with the movement speed to Tibbers their faces!
- Jinx
- Lucian
- Caitlyn
- Draven [ Requires strong mechanics ]
- Vayne [ Requires strong mechanics ]
- Leona
- Thresh
- Taric
- Lulu
- Morgana
- Annie
- Jinx / Leona
- Draven / Leona
- Sivir / Taric
- Sivir / Leona
- Caitlyn / Thresh
- Jinx / Thresh
- Vayne / Thresh [Not good laning phase but Thresh can peel enough for Vayne]
- Lucian / Taric
- Lucian / Leona
General Advice on the game:
I won't go around and say the classic "don't flame" and such. I think that it clearly just doesn't matter but it would be better to ignore the deaths of your team.
- Never ever ever ever facecheck any bush in your jungle if the two towers are down. i.e - if mid and bot 1st towers are lost, DON'T ROAM THAT PART OF THE JUNGLE WITHOUT VISION, EVEN IF YOU ARE THE JUNGLER.
- Objectives > Kills. Phew, I think I have to repeat myself here because most of players want to chase like crazy. OBJECTIVES > KILLS.
- If your team is sieging any lane, don't go take the blue buff on the other side of the map, your enemies will notice, engage your team, and they will all die probably resulting in a baron.
- If you are behind in gold, DON'T TRY TO TEAMFIGHT. Like really, just try to regain vision in your jungle and farm. Leaving your enemy no space to use his advantage probably will end up having them tower diving you, putting them at a disadvantage.
- Top lane will most likely be ganked by minute 3-4 in solo queue.
- Never buy first item warmogs.
- Always think how what you build will benefit the team.
- Siege. When you SIEGE a tower do it as a 5 or 4 man squad. Not every team comp can do it, you most likely need good poke and good wave clear. One of the best combos for this would be Nidallee and Caitlyn.
- Being splitpushed? You want to engage FAST on the rest of the enemy team and try to get more than they did in your counterpush. In soloQ rarely will the teams disengage properly.
- Is your team-mate splitpushing? Play it safe and bait them to move to your teammate. When they do, rush baron or push faster.
- Being poked hard? Then you want to engage really fast. If you just engage after all of your team is half-life there is no point. Almost always try to have some CC in your team and just go ALL IN.
- Enemy going baron, we can't fight them but my team is backing? Then don't dive in like a hero to try to steal it. Either way you will end up dying, letting your team 4v5 and probably lose the game.
- Enemy bot lane inhibitor is down? Bait a baron fight. If they come to contest they will probably loose one Nexus tower by then. Bot lane inhibitor is the best in this case because it takes the most time for teams to rotate to/from.
Special thanks to vNocturnus who helped me with the text.You are awesome!