Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 1, 2014

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  1.  Will my ranked tier readjust?
    Everyone will have a soft MMR reset (I believe it is something like ((your current MMR)+1200)/2 and your tier emblem will disappear. You will then have to play placement matches to be put into a tier again.

  2. What happens to my MMR?
    See 1.
  3. Are there any changes to clamping?
    Clamping*  will be removed from all but diamond 1

  4. Other major differences from Season 3?
    Lot's of changes have been made in the pre-season, I would advise reading some patch notes but briefly, Supports get lot's more gold and as such previously unconventional supports are being played and the supports are having a greater damage output in fights in addition to their previous utility. Junglers are also getting more gold and as a result tanky lategame junglers have started to come back resulting in often double tanks from a combination of support, jungle, and top. This has made it difficult for ADCs to carry as hard as they used to and are often forced to buy LW and BotRK early. Trinkets are now a thing read about them.

    Clamping: When you're in division 1 of any league it will give you reduced LP. The reasoning was that if you wanted to jump from, say Bronze to Silver, you needed to show you were consistently better than your opponents. The less LP you gain per win, the more wins you need. Often you'd lose more than you gained so you'd have to string together a bunch of wins without losing.

    Source: IPyro17

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