Figure I have not done one of these in a while and people ask me over and over where I think champs stand so thought I'd make this. This list is for solo q btw.
S tier- Jarvan, Karthus(only if your team has ad top and mid,) Lee Sin(only if you are a really fucking good Lee).
A tier- Fiddlesticks, Nunu, Pantheon, khazix, Vi, Shaco, Master Yi.
B tier- Reksai(still unsure how good she is need further testing), Nocturne, Rengar, Zac, Trundle, Elise, Xin, Sejuani, Udyr, Wukong, Kayle, Hecarim.
C tier- Warwick, Shyvana, Aatrox, Nautilus, Amumu, Skarner, Chogath, Ezreal, Diana.
D tier- let's be real you should report yourself after the game for picking anything else and jungling it.
Also here is my latest Alienwares lol lessons with saint featuring crumbz talkingn about all the 4.20 jungle changes and forward
Source: r/lol
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