Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 7, 2013

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League of Legends is a game of fog of war. Meaning you have no vision on the map unless your unit is present.

I used to be in Masters League in Starcraft 2 before moving on to playing LoL. Artosis, the famous player-turned-commentator said this: "Starcraft is a game of incomplete information. Players fight for vision. The more vision, the more information. The more information, the more correct actions you can make. And of course, the more correct actions you make, the more likely you are to win the game."

Even though starcraft and LoL are two totally different beasts. I would say from my experience vision trumps all other builds/strategies in both games. (Well, in most cases, OP items/heroes who need nerfs don't count. You can just sit in the dark and build OP builds).

I heard about people who map hack, got to Masters League in Starcraft and even beat pro players on 1v1 Ladder. They certainly don't have the skills, the reflexes, nor the knowledge of pro-players. Yet, these maphackers can still beat them. This proves just how important vision is.

In LoL, wards provide vision. Proper (and sometimes even excessive warding) will be more rewarding than what a physical item can benefit you. I find a team that has more vision will be able to make better judgement, avoid traps, make better decisions and win fights even with weapons and armors that are worse off.

To me vision is King. Vision wins you games. Vision brings a team together.
Source:  triarii3

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