Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 7, 2013

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Runes and Masteries are important parts of any game of League of Legends. Having specific runes can help out your early, mid, and late game. It's often asked which runes are best for what, and since I see this question all the time I figured I would go ahead and make a quick post describing some situations where specific runes will be appropriate.
This post will be divided by roles, and lets go ahead and state outright that other runes can be used per your preference. This 'guide' is based on observation and opinion.
We all know that when you first start out playing league of legends, you get two rune pages... This isn't the ideal number but it's what riot gives us, and if you're forced into a role that you don't have a rune page set up for, you can simply have a rune page set up like this to ensure that you're not running AD quints on a Soraka.
The absolute best generic rune page for any champion:
  • 3x Move Speed Quints
  • 9x Hybrid Penetration Marks
  • 9x Armor Seals
  • 9x Magic Resist Glyphs.
This allows you some flexibility. Move speed is great on every champion, and hybrid penetration ensures that you will get SOMETHING for your role, assuming you don't have a page set in advance. Flat armor and magic resist you can never go wrong with.
An APC is an ability power carry, and their runes will generally reflect their reliance on spells to deal damage.
  • 3x Ability Power Quints OR 3x Magic Penetration Quints
  • 9x Magic Penetration Marks
  • 9x Armor Seals
  • 9x Magic Resist Glyphs
This is ideal for most APC champions, specifically casters that go mid lane. Most AP champions value Ability Power Quintessences, however for some Ability Power Champions Magic Penetration Quintessences are more appropriate (Such as Elise.<--- Opinion).
ADC champions are attack damage carries, and their runes should reflect their need for early game damage or survivability.
  • 3x Attack Damage Quints OR 3x Lifesteal Quints
  • 9x Attack Damage Marks
  • 9x Armor Seals
  • 9x Magic Resist Per-Level Glyphs
This rune setup is ideal for most attack damage champions, especially ranged carries that go bottom lane with a support. This will also work for AD assassins like Zed, Kah' Zix, and Talon. Lifesteal Quintessences are ideal for "Safe Lanes" and usually I see points thrown into the Utility Mastery Tree to get the 3% Lifesteal found within.
There are several schools of though on the best support runes. Generally safe support lanes will tend to run gold per-10 quintessences. More aggressive lanes may choose to use Armor, Ability Power, or other Quints depending on the champion. Lets stick with the GP-10 for now.
  • 3x Gold Per-10 Quints
  • 9x Hybrid Penetration Marks
  • 9x Armor Seals
  • 9x Magic Resist Per-Level Glyphs
This will help provide a safe sustained lane, and if you don't manage to get kills or assists the GP-10 is nice. Hybrid Penetration Marks are selected here only because supports can be AD or AP. I generally play AP supports and choose to take Magic Penetration Marks, so that I can scale a little bit of damage in the mid or late game. Hybrid Penetration Marks are ideal on champions such as Sona.
  • 3x Move Speed Quints
  • 9x Attack Speed Marks
  • 9x Armor Seals
  • 9x Magic Resist Per-Level Glyphs
  • 3x Ability Power Quints
  • 9x Magic Penetration Marks
  • 9x Armor Seals
  • 9x Magic Resist Per-Level Glyphs
I can't actually suggest specific runes for top lane, simply because the number of top lane champs are so varied and they all generally want specific things to maximize their early game.
Disclaimer : These are meant to be generic runes for generic roles. Obviously there are some champions like Ryze that will find Ability Power, less than useful. Even more obvious, there will be situations where other, more specific runes are appropriate. 

Source: akigo57

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