Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 5, 2014

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Since I have had this question a lot, imma try to make a summary of what you have to do to become a better jungler in soloQ and premade.

1. Be open-minded and have an open eye for the map. I have encountered tons and tons of junglers in my thousands of games that were so focused on getting their farm going that they forgot to gank, or were so into ganking, that they ended up 50 cs and 3 levels behind the enemy jungler.
Always, always keep an eye on the minimap, try to switch your screen to lanes while farming, and really try to read every possible information and convert it into the right decisions.
Enemy jungler camps top? Countergank it. Set up wards for your top. invade his bot side jungle. Destroy mid and bot lane. Get drakes. There are so many options, just out of one basic action of the enemy, just do SOMETHING.

2. Ganking generally brings more than farming. (SoloQ players lack the awareness to evade your ganks, free money for you and your laner mostly.)

3. Use the information lanes give you. Again, dont be stubborn and really keep an open mind for your lanes, they will assist you if you ask them nicely about wards!

4. Blend out negative feedback in game, be your own harshest critic. This is more of a general statement, but i have heard tooo many people proclaim they should be diamond but their lanes feed. ITS YOU. You do not need to listen to the ragers and flamers in your elo, but please do not be dellusional. If you can't land a successful gank in 20 mins and you are stuck at 50 cs, you are doing something wrong.

5. Watch LCS, or jungler streams in general that explain alot. Best example here is TheOddOne, he is a really vocal guy on his stream and often times explains why he does something, and what the expects the enemy jungler to be doing at this moment of the game.

6. Stick with champions that you can mechanically manage. Again a rather universal statement, but a bad lee can lose games, whereas a good lee will solo carry usually. There is nothing wrong with trying to improve mechanically on them during ranked games, but expect to have to put in more time than you would have to do on pantheon/Eve/Xin etc.

7. Enjoy the game. Don't ever play the game to actually boost your rating, play to improve and to have fun. Doesn't mean you have to troll, but enjoying a game and trying to improve come hand in hand, as progress will show rapidly and you will love to be a better player, trust me.

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