Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in LCS Summer, LCS Summer 2014, league of legends, Lol, na lcs summer 2014, schedule, week 2 |
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Posted by Unknown in guia lee sin lol, league of legends, lee sin, lee sin guide, lee sin s4 guide, Lol, moba, season 4, Snygg Linus, videogame |
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Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in adc tier list, hi im gosu, korean ad tier list, korean adc tier list, korean tier list, league of legends, Lol, moba, tier list |
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For the people asking me about a solo queue tier list, I'll just type a short one real quick:
Tier 1:
Lucian - Overall really strong kit, can be picked in any situation, strong laning phase, mid game and late. Good at snowballing and can take control of lane once you get a lead really easily. Has no real drawbacks.
Twitch - Decent laning phase, snowballs really hard, amazing late game, the only ADC to have map pressure past mid game due to his stealth and can pick easily, and his ult just tears through teamfights. However has no escape once his stealth is used other than slow.
Tier 2:
Draven - Extremely strong throughout the game, and can snowball because of passive, however lack of mobility makes him a risky pick. Ult can be used to snipe people across the map, and can use his E to interrupt gapclosers (Lee Q, Jax Q midway thru animation etc,) Hard to play mechanically, but gets easier to play after you learn how to juggle axes
Jinx - Decent laning phase, can snowball due to passive and ult, great mid and late game + really good at taking towers down. Extremely immobile however has a great self peel kit with w and e.
Cait - Extremely strong lane, decent mid game and great late game. Great at poking, and can snowball advantage by going to other lanes and sieging.
Tier 3:
Kog'Maw & Corki & Miss Fortune & Sivir - Don't have that much personal experience with this tier, but Corki and MF are both really strong laners, and I think we will see a resurgence of MF soon. Kog'maw seems to be decent as well with Botrk > Trinity. Sivir has a weak laning phase but can just push into tower all day and her ult is great for teamfights.
Tier 4:
Graves - Weak early due to range, but has a massive powerspike once you get bloodthirster. Can snowball pretty hard. Decent mid and late game. Easy to grab kills with Q R, and a well placed W can turn the tide of a lot of fights.
Ezreal - Weak laning phase, ok mid game and ok late game, one of the most mobile AD carries, easy to carry with if you can snowball early. If you fall behind, very very difficult to come back from and has a lot less damage than other ADs if you're not fed. Really fun to play tho
Vayne - Shittiest laning phase out of all AD carries, needs a lot of jungle pressure early or make really decisive trades, make one mistake and you're fucked, however if you get a lot of help and you get ahead then you can snowball, great in small skirmishes and 1v1s, has a lot of outplay potential, and great vs tanks. Decent midgame and decent late game. Short range sucks tho.
Tier 5 - The rest of them
tl;dr snowball
Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in Jørn Lande, league of legends, Lol, moba, music video, pentakill |
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Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in crumbz, dignitas, jungle tier list, league of legends, Lol, mylixia, s4 jungle tier list, video game |
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Hello everyone,
I am Mylixia, the life coach and management team for Team Dignitas and a Riot featured League of Legends broadcaster. With the help of Dignitas Crumbzz and our community we've put together our new updated Jungle tier list for 4.8.
Here is a Link to the Fully Updated Tier List:
Here is a Twitch Highlight and Youtube Mirror Covering the Changes We Made in 4.8
Here is an Hour Long Q&A about Carrying from the Jungle that Corresponded with the Tier List
A Pastebin of All Notes Taken
An Explanation of the Tier List and How It Works
A Write-Up on Major Changes to the Tier List in 4.8
- Thank you to everyone who makes this tier list possible. My incredible community, Dark Llama Rex, other broadcasters who work on this list, and of course Crumbzz himself. This list is the combined effort of an entire broadcast and team without which this would not be possible.
- No tier list is perfect and there are bound to be errors. I respect your opinions if you think the list is incorrect in some way or if there is an oversight. I've worked for many hours to make sure this is accurate to patch and had it reviewed by hundreds of players ranging from all Elos. It is my hope it is generally reliable towards what junglers are strong in this meta.
- The endgame of this list is that is helpful to our awesome League of Legends community. That's why I'm doing this and I sincerely hope it's helpful.
- If you enjoy the work put into this, I'd be honored if you checked out and (where these projects get worked on) and - Dignitas Jungler and Top Challenger who generously donates his time to make this list legitimate and accurate. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this post and I sincerely hope it is useful.
Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in dota, dota 2, dota all stars, gbay99, league of legends, Lol, moba, videogame |
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Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in cowsep, guia de master yi lol, league of legends, Lol, master yi, master yi guide, master yi lol guide, master yi tricks, videogame |
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Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in league of legends, Lol, moba, patch 4.8, patch notes, videogame |
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Patch 4.8 notes
By Riot Pwyff
Hey Summoners,Chris "Pwyff" Tom
It's a light patch! We've got some bigger projects in the oven and they've taken up a lot of our time as we figure out the right approach to take. We'll keep you updated as we go.
Soraka's our highest visibility change in 4.8, who we've mentioned before as having an overbearing presence in solo lanes. You can read below for the full context, but we're always aware of champions who impose low interaction in lane without having meaningful weaknesses (and before anyone mentions Nidalee [who exemplifies this beyond the laning phase] or LeBlanc, they're both in the lab).
With a quiet patch we also saw the chance to "modernize" a few champions with low impact, high value changes (Blitz buffs yesssssss). This isn't, however, a strategy we can consistently take because there are a lot of design challenges involved. Given there are champions who are objectively strong but don't have a clear identity in the current competitive landscape, 'tinkering' with them could set off a larger negative chain reaction if someone (or something) without clear weaknesses became the new hottest thing on the block. It's not to say that'll happen with a small mana cost buff, but League evolves and shifts so quickly over time, it's something we need to be aware of!
Final note, we've also got some map changes for Twisted Treeline that are focused on turrets and the jungle. For fans of the map, make sure you stay up to date before queueing up!
Final, final note: as we mentioned last patch, we're continuing the process of patching out files for a new audio engine. The audio team recently dropped some knowledge on the forums - head to their thread for more info!
We investigated a few cases where turret aggro was behaving inconsistently. These changes should address most issues.
- Champions can no longer drop turret aggro by entering stealth or using the summoner spell Flash
- Turret aggro can now only be lost if a champion leaves its targeting range, dies, or enters a state of untargetability (eg: Zhonya's, Elise Rappel, Vlad pool).
Rocket Grab and Static Field cost less mana.
With popular utility champions providing additional utility beyond vision control and a body on the field, Blitzcrank needed some small upgrades to keep up. Given Blitz already has strong utility (gated by his long cooldowns), some mana cost reductions means he should be able to bring Amumu to your team more often.
Q - Rocket Grab
COST 120 mana ⇒ 100 mana
R - Static Field
COST 150 mana ⇒ 100 mana
Cho can eat things a little faster and from a little further away.
This is a change we've wanted to do for some time, given how sad Cho gets when his meals flash away. Basically this means Cho's Feast range will correctly match his attack range when he's at 6 Feast Stacks. Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom!
R - Feast
RANGE 150 ⇒ 175
CAST TIME 0.5 seconds ⇒ 0.25 seconds
Evolved Wings' cooldown is now the same as Leap.
Kha'Zix is currently strong at all levels of play, but when we discovered this bug (heh), we felt the right thing would be to fix it to work as intended, even if it meant giving him a slight buff. Long term, we're still considering changes to Kha'Zix that allow him to retain his assassin playstyle without having the raw strength to brute force his way out of most situations.
E - Evolved Wings
KHA'ZIX FIX Fixed a bug where Evolved Wings had a longer cooldown than Leap - 24/22/20/18/16 ⇒ 22/20/18/16/14
Nether Grasp is cheaper. We probably don't need to summarize these.
We realize that high mobility mages are currently valued in the competitive landscape, but buffing Malz against his identity ends up flattening the role of a mage and inhibits other forms of role experimentation. Still, streamlining Nether Grasp's mana cost to be in line with other high cooldown ultimates was a change Malz could use, so we heeded the call (... of the void).
R - Nether Grasp
COST 150 mana ⇒ 100 mana
Last patch, we made a functional change to Pantheon without documenting the change (sorry!). Before the change, Pantheon's Grand Skyfall was dealing damage a full 0.5 seconds after he visually hit the ground, which was inconsistent (not to mention weird). Visually it's confusing that Pantheon can stun opponents before he's even finished landing from Grand Skyfall, so we made the change for Clarity purposes while also affecting his power. That said, we've heard a lot of your feedback that this hampers Pantheon's ability to use Grand Skyfall effectively (or at all), and we're going to keep a close eye on him in this patch.
R - Grand Skyfall
CLARITY Pantheon can no longer cast spells until he's finished landing
BUGFIX Grand Skyfall's animation and damage now better match each other. The timing is unchanged from when the enemy indicator appears to when damage occurs, but Pantheon now visually lands 0.5 seconds later.
Starcall does less damage and Infuse costs mana when used on an enemy.
Soraka's solo lane patterns are pretty obnoxious, as she can simply shove out opponents with Starcall while inhibiting their ability to fight back with her free Infuses. Soraka should be brought to a solo lane as someone who can consistently support her team, rather than dealing high ramping magic damage via Starcall.
Q - Starcall
DAMAGE 60/95/130/165/200 ⇒ 40/65/90/115/140
UTILITY If Starcall hits an enemy, Astral Blessing's cooldown is reduced by 5/6.25/7.5/8.75/10% ⇒ 5/8/11/14/17%
E - Infuse
newCOST Costs 50 mana at all levels when cast on an enemy
E - Bear Stance
CLARITY Udyr now sees an indicator when he stuns a target that shows how long to wait before he can stun that target again
Minor Changes & Bugfixes
Q - Aqua Prison
BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Aqua Prison could interrupt certain abilities that were intended to be immune to disabling effects (e.g. Jarvan IV's Cataclysm, Malphite's Unstoppable Force)
Q - Arctic Assault
BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Arctic Assault would stop on collision with, but fail to knock up, really large enemy champions (Cho'Gath with 6 Feast stacks, Zac with a lot of bonus HP, large champions that were Wild Growth'd by Lulu, champions who weren't watching their diet, etc)
Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar
Turrets deal more damage and ramping damage, as well as having more defenses.
Currently on TT, turrets simply aren't threatening enough to super-bruisers that stack armor and dive for their squishier teammates. While this change alone may not fix this, it's the start of us enforcing turrets as a meaningful safety zone for players on the losing team. We're also beefing up turret resists in the case of a siege - you can still 'chip' turrets over the course of a game before breaking them down in a big push, but we felt they could stay up a little longer.
newDAMAGE BONUS Turret basic attack damage increased by 10% (now matches Summoner's Rift turrets)
DAMAGE 'Heating Up' passive now increases turret damage by 20% ⇒ 25% per shot
ADDENDUM "Heating Up" passive scales up to a total 60% ⇒ 75%
DEFENSE Turrets lose 150 armor / magic resistance ⇒ 75 armor / magic resistance when enemy minions are nearby
Jungle Monsters
Large Monsters have way more HP, small monsters have slightly less.
The low base health on the original jungle camps in TT cuts their threat scaling significantly, making jungling a little too easy for anyone with a small amount of Attack Damage (or in 120% of all cases, Ravenous Hydra). We'll be watching this closely as we don't want junglers to feel hyper-vulnerable, but with the recent buffs to scaling jungle experience, we felt increasing the risk/commitment of the jungle was appropriate.
Big Golem health 850 ⇒ 1250
Small Golem health 550 ⇒ 500
Big Wolf health 650 ⇒ 1150
Small Wolf health 430 ⇒ 400
Big Wraith health 550 ⇒ 1000
Small Wraith health 380 ⇒ 350
Team Builder
- Team Builder wins and losses are now added to total Normal wins and losses
- Captains in Team Builder can now grant invite powers to invited friends
Posted by Unknown in ad, all masteries you will ever need, ap, jungle, league of legends, Lol, masteries, maximemonfette, mid, moba, support, top, videogame |
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Hey guys, I had some time to spare and decided to help NEW players, who really don't know what they're doing in terms of masteries. Maybe if you guys like it i'll try and do Runes but it would be hard since it's so situational. Anyways, hope you like it!
1- AP Jungler (Elise, Evelynn and such) :
2- Mid Utility (Page every OGN mid laners use it and it's a really effective page) :
3- Mid Defense (If your jungler is a dick and doesn't let you get blues, or just if you don't feel safe laning) : if you find yourself spamming your spells too much, considering you dont have blue buff :P
4- AD Top (SKT T1 Impact and some other OGN players use this one. It's preferable NOT to change the 3 points in Resistance even if you're laning against an AD champion simply because the Evasive mastery is just too OP.) :
5- Standard Support (Braum, Leona Thresh. Pretty nice combo between defense and utility.) :
6- AP Support (Morgana and Karma) :
7- AD Jungler (OGN players use this often and it's a really effective point.) :
8- Caster ADC (Such as Lucian and Ezreal. Please note that if you are not going to build a Phantom Dancer, it is better to take the point off Frenzy and put it in Warlord.) : if you find yourself spamming your spells a bit too much.
9- ADC Auto Attack (Such as Jinx or Caitlyn. Please note that if you are not going to build a Phantom Dancer, it is better to take the point off Frenzy and put it in Warlord) :
10- ADC Standard (Pretty much any other ADC who can't fit in the Auto Attack role or the Caster role. Please note that if you are not going to build a Phantom Dancer, it is better to take the point off Frenzy and put it in Warlord.) :
11- AP Top (Pretty self explanatory, and again, don't take the resistance points off even if you're laning against an ad champion because the Evasive point is just too OP.) :
12- BONUS PAGE AD Assassin (top/mid offensive, such as lee sin, kha'zix or zed. The best page for maximum damage output combined with resistance.) :
Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in amazing, guia jungla por amazing, guide, jungle, jungle guide by amazing, league of legends, Lol, team solo mid, TSM, tsm amazing, videogame |
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Since I have had this question a lot, imma try to make a summary of what you have to do to become a better jungler in soloQ and premade.
1. Be open-minded and have an open eye for the map. I have encountered tons and tons of junglers in my thousands of games that were so focused on getting their farm going that they forgot to gank, or were so into ganking, that they ended up 50 cs and 3 levels behind the enemy jungler.
Always, always keep an eye on the minimap, try to switch your screen to lanes while farming, and really try to read every possible information and convert it into the right decisions.
Enemy jungler camps top? Countergank it. Set up wards for your top. invade his bot side jungle. Destroy mid and bot lane. Get drakes. There are so many options, just out of one basic action of the enemy, just do SOMETHING.
2. Ganking generally brings more than farming. (SoloQ players lack the awareness to evade your ganks, free money for you and your laner mostly.)
3. Use the information lanes give you. Again, dont be stubborn and really keep an open mind for your lanes, they will assist you if you ask them nicely about wards!
4. Blend out negative feedback in game, be your own harshest critic. This is more of a general statement, but i have heard tooo many people proclaim they should be diamond but their lanes feed. ITS YOU. You do not need to listen to the ragers and flamers in your elo, but please do not be dellusional. If you can't land a successful gank in 20 mins and you are stuck at 50 cs, you are doing something wrong.
5. Watch LCS, or jungler streams in general that explain alot. Best example here is TheOddOne, he is a really vocal guy on his stream and often times explains why he does something, and what the expects the enemy jungler to be doing at this moment of the game.
6. Stick with champions that you can mechanically manage. Again a rather universal statement, but a bad lee can lose games, whereas a good lee will solo carry usually. There is nothing wrong with trying to improve mechanically on them during ranked games, but expect to have to put in more time than you would have to do on pantheon/Eve/Xin etc.
7. Enjoy the game. Don't ever play the game to actually boost your rating, play to improve and to have fun. Doesn't mean you have to troll, but enjoying a game and trying to improve come hand in hand, as progress will show rapidly and you will love to be a better player, trust me.
Posted by Unknown in best of xpeke, fnatic, fnatic xpeke, league of legends, lo mejor de xpeke, Lol, respawnd, video, xpeke, youtube |
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xPeke Montage: Compilation of Best Plays and funny moments by FNC xPeke, the Mid Laner for Fnatic ('Best of')
Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in laning phase, league of legends, Lol, redmercy, riot games, videogame, yasuo guide, yasuo guide lol, yasuo strategy, youtube |
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Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in fantasy lcs, fantasy lcs beta, LCS, LCS Summer, league of legends, Lol, riot games, video game, videogame |
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Starting this Summer Split, Fantasy LCS puts you in charge of your own hand-picked team of LCS pros. Build your team, scout the competition, watch the LCS, and compete each week against your friends. Outplay your competition and lead your fantasy team to victory.
Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in all star 2014, best of faker, faker, K1NGUE, league of legends, Lol, moba, Nidalee faker, paris, skt t1, video, youtube |
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Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in guia de leona lol, league of legends, legendofgamer, leona gameplay, leona guide, Lol, moba, season 4, videogame |
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Leona Masteries:
Leona Runes:
Leona Runes:
Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in braum guide, braum guide lol, guia braum lol, impaKt, league of legends, Lol, moba, support, tank, video game |
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Posted by Unknown in bischu, bischulol, guide, league of legends, Lol, wall dash tutorial, yasuo, yasuo guide |
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Posted by Unknown in braum, braum guia lol, braum guide, Champion Spotlight, guia de braum lol, league of legends, Lol, moba, season 4, support, tank |
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League of Legends : Learn to flex your protective muscles and master the art of shielding your friends and stunning your foes in the Braum Champion Spotlight.
Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in 2014, clg, clg roster 2014, clg seraph, counter logic gaming, ganked by korean, LCS, LCS Summer, league of legends, Lol, montage, roster, seraph, video |
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Ganked By Korean - CLG Seraph Montage
Counter Logic Gaming, one of North America's most popular League of Legends organizations has been scouting Woo Yeong Shin (Seraph) as their "Top" prospect for the North American League Championship Series Summer Split of 2014. Seraph comes from the Korean professional gaming team Najin White Shield and has participated in last season's OnGameNet (OGN) Champions Winter tournament sponsored by PANDORA.TV. Counter Logic Gaming (CLG) may put their hopes in Seraph to bring home the League of Legends World Championship to North America.
Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in guia shen lol s4, league of legends, Lol, moba, season 4, Shen, shen guide, shen guide s4, TheAngryHoneyBadger |
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Posted by Unknown in 2014, caitlyn, clg, clg seraph, league of legends, Lol, moba, quadrakill, seraph, top lane, videogame |
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CLG's new toplane tryout getting a Quadrakill before Partypooper Phantoml0rd arrives to the scene and denies the Penta
Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown in all star 2014, all star paris 2014 vods, all-star 2014, allstarvods, league of legends, Lol, paris |
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Not able to catch the All-Star Paris 2014 matches due to work, school, or sleep? We've built a spoiler-free VoD section for All-Star this year just for you.
By going to, you can view each of the day's games without seeing the results for any series.
Posted by Unknown in braum, league of legends, live, Lol, moba, patch 4.7, patch notes, videogame |
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- Braum, the Heart of the Freljord, will be released a bit later during Patch 4.7.
- Q - Barrel roll
- UTILITY: Grants vision after it reaches its destination
- CLARITY: Reduced size of cast indicator to better represent the actual radius
- W - Drunken Rage
- BUGFIX: Buff no longer consumed on hitting a ward
- R - Explosive Cask
1050⇒ 1150 - CLARITY: Reduced size of cast indicator to better represent the actual radius
Jarvan IV
- Passive - Martial Cadence
6/8/10% (at levels 1/7/13)⇒ 10% at all levels - SAME-TARGET COOLDOWN:
6 seconds at all levels⇒ 10/8/6 seconds (at levels 1/7/13)
- W - Golden Aegis
45/50/55/60/65 mana⇒ 30 mana at all ranks
- Q - Null Sphere
40/80/120/160/200 (+0.8 ability power)⇒ 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.3 ability power)
- Q - Taste Their Fear / Evolved Enlarged Claws
350 units from nearest ally⇒ 500 units from nearest ally - GAMEPLAY: Turrets now count as allies when determining whether a target is isolated
- R - Void Assault / Evolved Active Camouflage
1 second between stealth casts⇒ 2 seconds between stealth casts
- R - Frozen Tomb
- UTILITY: Now stops enemy champion's movement immediately on application of stun (dashes, jumps, etc will be halted)
- BUGFIX: Now goes on cooldown when it finishes casting, instead of when it begins casting
- Passive - Granite Shield
10 seconds at all levels⇒ 10/8/6 seconds (at levels 1/7/13)
- W - Brutal Strikes
50/55/60/65/70 mana⇒ 25 mana
Miss Fortune
- Q - Double Up
Minor Changes & Bug Fixes
- BUGFIX: Fixed a number of graphical issues affecting older video cards
- BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where ward-jumping abilities (ex. Lee Sin's Safeguard) would sometimes go on cooldown when attempting (and failing) to jump over walls to wards outside the ability's max range
- E - Playful / Trickster
- BUGFIX: Fixed some cases where Fizz could be stunned or rooted while on his troll pole
- R - Living Artillery
- UTILITY: Mana cost is now displayed on the cast icon (similar to Kassadin's Rift Walk)
- BUGFIX: Tooltip corrected to display the actual range (
1400/1700/2000⇒ 1200/1500/1800)
- Passive - Staggering Blow
- BUGFIX: Tooltip corrected to display the actual time between roots on the same target (
12 seconds⇒ 9 seconds)
- BUGFIX: Tooltip corrected to display the actual time between roots on the same target (
- Passive - Unseen Predator
- BUGFIX: Using an empowered ability immediately after leveling the base ability for the first time no longer triggers the base ability's cooldown
- Q - Savagery / Empowered Savagery
- BUGFIX: The bonus damage now applies lifesteal
- Bonetooth Necklace
- BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where stack bonuses were being lost upon switching trinkets
- R - Stand United
- BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where Stand United would occasionally cancel itself
- General
- RECOMMENDED ITEMS: Now includes a trinket
- AUDIO: Fixed a few bugs preventing several VO interactions from working
- Q - Ambush
- BUGFIX: Fixed a display bug where Ambush's cooldown would appear to start when Twitch entered stealth but reset to its actual cooldown once the stealth effect ended.
- R - Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat
- BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat could sometimes critically strike towers
- W - Sanguine Pool
- BUGFIX: Fixed some cases where Vladimir could be stunned or rooted while in his troll pool
- BUGFIX: Tooltip corrected to indicate the actual heal amount (
12.5%⇒ 15%)
Summoner Spells
Removes Grievous Wounds
Graphical Updates
- Flash particles updated
- Clarity particles and sound effect updated
- Cleanse particles and sound effect updated
- Exhaust particles and sound effect updated
- Revive particles and sound effect updated
- Screenshots in the spells tab of your profile have been updated according to recent changes
Feral Flare line
- Madred's Razors
+60 damage against monsters⇒ +50 damage against monsters
- Wriggle's Lantern
- UTILITY Kills and Assists now count toward transforming into Feral Flare
+100 damage against monsters⇒ +75 damage against monsters
- Feral Flare
+100 damage against monsters⇒ +75 damage against monsters - HEAL SCALING:
Basic attack heal increases with stacks - TRANSFORM STAT BONUS:
Gains Attack Damage + Attack Speed when transformed from Wriggle's Lantern - ATTACK DAMAGE~:
+15⇒ +12 - ATTACK SPEED:
+35%⇒ +30%
Sunfire Cape
- VISUALS: Particles updated
Aggro Display
Orange outline⇒ Animated HP bar icon - CHAMPION AGGRO DISPLAY:
Orange outline
Summoners Rift
- Trinkets
120 seconds⇒ 30 seconds
- Dragon
125 gold⇒ 145 gold
- Turrets
- FORTIFICATION: All outer turrets now have Fortification (added to Bottom lane)
480 seconds⇒ 420 seconds
Summoner's Rift & Twisted Treeline
- Jungle
- BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where abilities that dealt damage based on maximum monster health were being calculated on base health instead of actual max health (this is a mid-lategame buff in all affected cases)
- Intermediate bots can now be added to custom games
- All bots are available on Beginner difficulty in custom games
- To maintain game-to-game consistency for newer players, the Co-op vs. AI Beginner roster is unchanged
- Intermediate bots will now use Flash both offensively and defensively
LoL Client
- The end-of-game screen "Ignore User" button has been removed. Players can still ignore offensive individuals by right-clicking their summoner name and selecting "Ignore User" from the menu.
- Added a confirmation prompt when ignoring players from the air client
Team Builder
- Solo players can now see which role/position combinations are in high demand when deciding their spec
- Estimated wait times for solo players are now more accurate
- Team Builder matchmaking has been improved
- "Play Again" has been added to the post-game screen, allowing Captains to automatically invite their friends from the same match to a new Team Builder lobby.
- Team Builder invites are now labeled as "Team Builder" instead of "Classic"
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Timestamps: 00:21 - Recipe Changes 01:08 - BC's passives 02:21 - Best BC users 03:01 - Renekton 03:45 - Rek'sai 04:12 - Darius...
A few thoughts on the narrative of Portal 2 and a look in depth of what I consider the 5 characters of the series. The first game's stor...
Instead of mashing q after you w, or pressing q "at the right moment", simply follow these instructions! Make sure you're in r...
PLEASE check your USAO email for instructions in how to submit a course evaluation for Independent Study. It will only take a few minutes an...
The message of any medium is only as effective as the vehicle used to deliver said message, and for that reason, any intelligent designs a v...
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- how to lol
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- Jarvan IV Season 5 Guide
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- jayce guide
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- jinx champion preview
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- jinx guide lol
- jinx lol guide
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- jungle gragas guide
- jungle guide
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- jungle heimerdinger guide
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- jungle pantheon guide
- jungle path
- jungle rammus guide
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- kassadin guide
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- katarina guide
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- kha zix build guide
- kha zix guia
- Kha'Zix
- Kha'Zix guia
- Kha'Zix guide
- Kha'Zix jungla
- Kha'Zix jungle
- Kha'Zix jungle guide
- Kha`Zix
- Kha`Zix jungle guide
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- League of Legends - Late August Patch Preview
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- League of Legends - S2 Jungle Rengar
- League of Legends - S3 Jungle Elise
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- lee sin guide
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- leveling guide 1 to 30
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- Maokai Jungle Guide
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- morgana jungle guide
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- notas del parche enero
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- nunu jungle guide
- october 31
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- OGN WInter
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- only by talking
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- pantheon guide
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- part 1
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- Patch 4.12 notes
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- quinn jungle guide
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- shen jungle guide
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- singed lol guide
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- solo q tier list 4.10
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- Some Things I've Learned
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- syndra buil guide
- syndra guide
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- Team 8's CaliforniaTrlolz and his ballsy top lane Kha'zix (Lone Star Clash 3 highlights)
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